Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Environmental Science and German

Cameron Kubacki (student at Austin College): 
Why I wanted to learn German and what I hope to do with it

"I have wanted to learn German ever since I was about thirteen years old. My mother lived in Germany when she was young and she would always tell me stories about her time there. Growing up my father would watch German foreign films (with subtitles of course!)  and that cemented my interest in German. I am fond of the way German words are spelled and spoken.  I took three levels of German in high school and that made me decide that I wanted to at least minor in German in college. My interest in the German language and German culture makes my struggle with learning the language extremely exciting and rewarding. In fact one of the reasons I wanted to come to Austin College was the study abroad program. I have never been to Germany but it is the first place I want to go to when I finally leave the country. After graduating college I would like to find someway to use both Environmental Science and German together, so that I can put two of my interests to good use."

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